QuickBooks® Online – Quick Tips for Accountants and Bookkeepers
The arrival of QuickBooks® Online (QBO) has provided many new possibilities for small business owners. It is a user-friendly and convenient option for those who are looking for more remote accessibility with their company file. Here are a few quick tips outlined to assist you in navigating the new software.
Supported Web Browsers
Even though Chrome and Internet Explorer are the most popular web browsers, Firefox and Safari also work with QuickBooks® Online. They all have a different look and feel, but the basic features are all the same. Many users feel that Chrome works the best.
- Internet Explorer for Windows, version 9 or higher
- Firefox for Windows, version 4 or higher
- Google Chrome (recommended)
- Safari for Windows 5.0.1 or higher
- Safari for Mac, version 4.1.1 or higher
- Firefox for Mac, version 3.6 or higher
- Google Chrome (recommended)
Mobile support for Blackberry, iPhone, Android and iPad. There is a mobile version of QuickBooks® Online for the iPad using Safari to login, but the features are limited.
Open Multiple Windows
This feature has different results depending on the browser you are using. If you are using Internet Explorer, you will already be logged into a QBO screen. With Firefox and Chrome, you will have to type the QBO URL into the address bar, but you won’t need to enter your user name and password. Another option is to open a new tab in the current browser window. For Chrome, right click the tab you’re in and then click Duplicate.

Side by Side Windows
If you want to see the windows side by side, just pull the tab out into its own window. When you are done, drag the tab back over the original browser window to return it.
Open Multiple Companies
Chrome offers a very useful feature by allowing you to create multiple users. This enables you to have two (2) different QBO companies open at the same time. This is helpful if you have a client who owns multiple and related companies and you need to work back and forth between them.
- Open Chrome.
- Click the Customize and Control Chrome button, and then click Settings.
- Click Add new user.
- Create a Buddy Icon and Name for your new user.
- Once you add an additional user, you can open up a Chrome browser window for each user and log in to QBO separately.
We hope these tips help familiarize you with the basic interface of QBO. As always, if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.