Five Essential Components of an Entrepreneur’s Compensation

The two major ways entrepreneurs can take money from their business is through draws or by receiving a paycheck. The type of entity in which their business is set up will determine which method can be used. In either case, entrepreneurs need to be careful not to shortchange themselves. Especially if you’re…

Five Best-Practice Accounts Payable Tips for a Smoother Cash Flow

Watching the cash balance is one of the most frequent activities of a small business owner. Besides making sure you have enough cash for payroll and bills, there is another huge opportunity you can benefit from: lowering the cost of processing your bills. It can be expensive and time-consuming to process bills…

5 Ways to Accelerate Your Receivables in QuickBooks

Increasing your income is good. But even if you can’t, you can still take steps to collect the money you’re already owed faster. Here are five ways. If you asked five small business owners to name the top three roadblocks they face in their quest for ongoing profitability, it’s likely that all…

Is Your Business Using the Right Accounting System?

Have you ever tried on a shirt or jeans and found they didn’t fit at all? They looked great on the hanger, but that was the end of it. Accounting systems come in all sizes, shapes, and colors just like clothing; and just like clothing, some accounting systems fit your business better…

Make QuickBooks Yours in 2014: Customize

QuickBooks can be used as is, or you can customize many elements to improve your workflow, your form output and your business insight. While many of the things you purchase and use in your daily work and professional lives don’t come with options, many do. Think about the last time you bought…

Optimize Your Revenue Mix for More Profits in 2014

Many small business owners focus on generating more revenue every year,  and that’s a great objective. But not all revenue is created equally. If you sell more than one product or service in your business, then you can benefit from looking at your revenue mix. Although it’s fun to watch our revenues grow,…

Do You Know Your Small Business Vitals?

Greetings, On a doctor’s visit, the first thing the nurse does is take your vitals: your temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, and respiration rate. These basic measurements are the first place doctors look to see if something is wrong with our health. Knowing your vital signs, and especially when they are out…